March Reads Recap

I am behind on posting… whoopsie! Every month, I like to recap what books I have read so that you can get ideas for what book you should read next. In March, I was able to read seven books. In this post, I will give you six of the seven. One will be posted later on this week as my April suggested read of the month. Per usual, most of the below are psychological thrillers so if you want a good twist, any of these would be great :). All linked here or at the bottom of the post!


Watching You by Lisa Jewell

Of the seven books I read in March, this one was my least favorite. That being said, it was still a good book. Compared to "Then She was Gone" and "The Family Upstairs" by the same author, this book paled in comparison. Still eerie, but did not have me on the edge of my seat. A good airplane read (the ending at least wasn’t predictable), but won't be a new all time favorite book. In fact, I finished this book a few months ago, but could not remember how it ended. So I reread this month. Easily forgettable. 4/10.

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The Shadows by Alex North

This book was creepy. Not like child abduction gross creepy, more like that kid in junior high that always wears a trench coat, talks to no one, and potentially has a pet snake that he feeds mice too. That’s the level of creepy we’re talking (ha!). This book had several parts that left me feeling - “omg noooooo”. However, there was no big twist at the end. The end kind of felt rushed, like there wasn’t much time left to wrap everything up. Kept me interested, but not a book I would readily recommend as a psych thriller hall of fame. 5/10.

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Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson

I wanted this to be great. I had been told by several friends this book was great. For me, it was just “okay”. These eight perfect murders, of course were not perfect. This book was a bit of a reach - most books I read, the storylines at least seem within the realm of possibility. This one, was far fetched. It was entertaining, but predictable. The first time I was introduced to the “murderer”, even though you aren’t supposed to know who it is - I immediately knew. Entertaining, but predictable and far fetched. 4/10.

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The Dilemma by B.A. Paris

I love B.A. Paris books. LOVE. Cannot emphasize that enough. All of them that I have read, have been so suspenseful, page turning, and always leave me wanting more. This was no exception. This was the one book in March I read that was not a psychological thriller. However, the suspense is still there, just in a much more subtle way. This book is heartbreaking and incredibly good. I downloaded the audio book version to listen to during a week of work where I was on the road a lot. I found myself sitting in parking lots - postponing my stops for work, or in the garage for an extra 30 minutes after getting home, just to listen a little longer. If you want a psychological thriller, this is not your book - any of her other books are, but this book was an unexpected hidden gem. 7/10.

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The Last Time I Saw You by Liv Constantine

Love me a good ole’ murder mystery! This book was creep-ola. I couldn’t get enough. Up until the veryyyy end. The ending was blah. The story before the ending was great. Maybe you aren’t as critical as I am of books, so you may love how this book ends. For as creepy as it was, it took two turns at the end. One that left me saying “huh, well that was disappointing” and another that left me saying “now hold on just a mome. This is a lil’ much”. Did I still enjoy it? Absolutely - but because of the ending 5/10.

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The Woman in the Dark by Vanessa Savage

Y’alllllll. To be honest this was my fave book in March. FAVE. It’s not my “book of the month” only because I feel like I love me some dark reads, and that’s just not everyone’s thing. The other book I will post about later this week is more everyone’s speed. This is a great “ghost” story that ends up not being a ghost story at all. It confronts childhood traumas and how those play into adult life. This book actually had me physically jumping when the A/C would turn on in my house at night time. I finally had to power through the last half in one setting because I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep that night if I had to put it down one more time without knowing how it ended. Creepy creepy - you’ve been warned 8/10.

Any suggestions for what I should read this month? Doesn’t have to be scary or have some big twist. Let me know some of your all time favorites in the comments, or shoot me a DM on insta :). I’ve linked these books below for you in case you want to prime one! Have a great week!